Specialty Contacts vs. Traditional Contact Lenses

Specialty Contacts vs. Traditional Contact Lenses

Specialty Contacts vs. Traditional Contact Lenses

Specialty Contacts vs. Traditional Contact Lenses

Do you rely on contact lenses to see the world clearly? If so, you may wonder what specialty contacts are, and how they differ from traditional contacts.

Contact lenses revolutionized how people with vision correction need to see the world. Traditional contact lenses are popular and have many options for different eye problems. Specialty contacts may be better for those with specific eye conditions or unique requirements. 


Traditional Contact Lenses


Traditional contacts, such as soft and rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses, are the most common. Soft lenses, made of flexible plastic materials, are comfortable to wear. They conform to the shape of your eye and allow oxygen to reach the cornea. RGP lenses have a hard material that makes eyesight clear and lasts long.

Soft lenses can correct different vision problems, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. They are available in daily disposable, biweekly, and monthly options. RGP lenses can help with more complex eye problems. These include severe astigmatism and keratoconus.

  • Specialty Contact Lenses

Specialty contacts fix eye problems that regular contacts cannot address. They are customizable to the wearer’s eye shape and needs. Some examples of specialty contact lenses include:

  • Toric Lenses

Toric lenses have a unique design and help with astigmatism. To make up for the uneven shape of the lens or cornea, they have various powers in different lens meridians.

  • Multifocal Lenses

Multifocal lenses correct presbyopia, which affects near vision as you age. They have different power zones to allow for clear vision at various distances.

  • Scleral Lenses

Scleral lenses are large lenses that go over the cornea and sit on the sclera. These gas-permeable lenses are ideal for conditions like keratoconus, irregular corneas, or severe dry eye.

  • Orthokeratology Lenses

Orthokeratology lenses, also called ortho-k or overnight lenses, sit on the eyes during sleep. They temporarily reshape the cornea to correct nearsightedness. This provides clear eyesight during the day without needing glasses or contacts.


Benefits of Specialty Contact Lenses


Wearing specialty contact lenses offers several benefits for individuals with specific eye conditions:


Improved Vision Correction


Specialty contact lenses provide precise and customized vision correction for unique eye conditions. Thus, they offer clearer and sharper vision than traditional contact lenses.


Comfort and Fit


Specialty lenses are customizable to fit the unique shape of your eyes. This ensures optimal comfort and stability. They provide a better fit for irregular corneas or conditions that require specific lens designs.


Treatment of Complex Eye Conditions


Specialty contact lenses can manage and treat various conditions. These include keratoconus, irregular corneas, or severe dry eye. They can replace surgery or work with other treatments.


Freedom From Glasses


Special contact lenses can provide clear vision without spectacles. They are ideal for individuals who want to reduce their dependence on glasses. This offers greater convenience and freedom.




Are you trying to decide between specialty and traditional contact lenses? If so, it is best to consult your eye care professional. They can assess your eye condition, lifestyle needs, and vision goals to determine the best option. Other factors will play a role in the recommendation. These are comfort, vision correction requirements, and the severity of your eye condition.

For more on types of contact lenses, get in touch with Chroma Optics at our office in Burlington, Vermont. Call (802) 497-1676 to book an appointment today.

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